Policy Document

E– Governance Policy

As our renowned institution is affiliated with the Kerala University of Health Sciences, to unfold the digital era of learning which holds supremacy in the present scenario we implemented e-governance modules in the following areas of operation.

  1. Academic Planning and Development
  2. Administration
  3. Finance
  4. Student Admission and Support
  5. Examination

A distinctive software named Foresight Software Solutions for Student Management, Administration, Finance, and Accounts operations from the Academic Year 2020-2021 was implemented.

The software has the following amenities

Human resource

The human resource module has attributes for staff which on broaching reveal staff reports including demographic data, work designation, and salary details of the concerned staff.

Admission and fees

The admission and fees module has the following attributes such as student report, application report, fee allocation, fee receipt, fee collection report, fee due report, batch-wise report, and student payment history


The store module has the following attributes category, subcategory, unit, items, goods received notes, Inventory (main store), sub-store issue, delivery note, store report, and receive store materials. On browsing inventory, the material request section opens up with a materials quotation, material P.O, a service quotation, and service P.O attributes


The accounts module includes main attributes such as account masters, general receipt and payment, supplier, and reports with the following subcategories as a manual journal, bank reconciliation, count cash drawer for Account masters, supplier service invoice, and supplier invoice payment for supplier and ledger statement. Manual journal report, general receipt report, general payment report, receipts and payments, and daily statements


The hostel module includes Room allocation, Room Shift Hostel Vacate, Hostel admission report, total due and collection report, room shift report and hostel vacate report


For camp, patient management software named Open Trends was implemented in 2021. As the software proved to be highly beneficial for patient management and record maintenance a new software -Dent soft was introduced in the present academic year to extend the service to our patients in our institution.

To coordinate staff attendance, leave, and salary calculation a new software named “PAGAR” was introduced and made completely functional in the recent academic year

Academic planning and development

Institutions used to have a software named “My Class Campus” for academic planning and development which included provisions for attendance recording, timetable planning, and even entering internal marks.
During the COVID pandemic, our institution even implemented “Moodle” as institutional learning management software (LMS) for which all teaching staff was provided with login credentials to upload the study documents and take virtual classes. “Google classroom” authorization is also taken for virtual classes and login credentials were provided to all teaching staff and students to utilize the facility.

E-governance is also implemented in the academic planning section with different modules including general masters, admin masters, library masters, SMS, academic, and reports. The general module is subcategorized as year, academic year, Subjects, degree, course, staff designation, Language, Department, staff, student, nationality, main subject, and academic subject. The admin master module opens up with subcategories such as security questions, admin departments, admin user type, admin designation, and library log history. The main area of concern is the academic module is subcategorized into Academic subject, Class, Period, Create Time Table, Batch Allocation, Default Holiday setting, holiday setting, Calendar creation, Attendance, and attendance confirmation. Library modules have subcategories such as book category, book type, book for a member, book master, Classification, Days for renewal, Fine, and Shelves.

The E-Governance in academic development is implemented by introducing the Journal of Odontological Research website developed by the foresight team to encourage students to publish research articles and refer to our open-access institutional journal for academic development and progression.


The Examination section E-governance is linked with the Kerala University of Health Sciences Portal. The final internal mark and attendance will be entered in the KUHS portal for sorting out eligible students for the Final Examination. After examinations, the practical marks will be entered in the same orderly process.