Public Health Dentistry


Public Health Dentistry

To improve the oral health of the population through preventive, promotive, curative, rehabilitative and maintenance care with a focus on providing comprehensive, accessible and affordable oral health care.


  • Tobacco Cessation Centre in association with the Department of Oral Pathology; Oral Medicine and Radiology; and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
  • Satellite Clinic at Panichayam
  • Comprehensive clinic


Dr. Subramaniam R
HOD, Professor
Dr. Jesline Merly James
Dr. Swathy Raj
Dr. Priya Babu
Sr. Lecturer
Dr. Jaisina Rasheed
Sr. Lecturer


  • To encourage students to understand and practice the concept of comprehensive healthcare
  • To make students identify the importance of a holistic concept of health through an interdisciplinary approach.
  • To imbibe an ethical ‘practice and research’ culture among the students.
  • To increase the number of camps and outreach programs by at least 20% each year.
  • To enhance the outreach activities by adoption schools, orphanages, old age homes
  • To enhance community participation and utilization of health care provided
  • To increase awareness regarding oral and general health among the community.
  • To promote undergraduate and faculty research projects
  • To effectively continue and enhance the reach of the project ‘Say ‘No’ to Oral Cancer’ and to envisage projects with a focus on substance abuse along the same lines.
  • Effective utilization of the Tele Medicine Unit for ‘Reaching the Unreached’


  • To improve the oral health status of the community.
  • To have a commitment to society in reducing their oral disease burden.
  • To increase awareness and enhance the utilization of oral health services.
  • To participate in funded research projects.
  • To foster collaboration with NGOs, educational institutions, residents’ associations, and establishments.
  • To motivate students to develop an inclination towards public health.
  • To adopt villages, schools, and establishments and focus on the upstream approach of prevention.
  • To associate and be a part of government-run schemes and programs with a focus on oral health.
  • To nurture professionally competent and empathetic students capable of attending to patients on palliative care and providing oral health care.

By Faculty

Scientific Publications

  • Mahesh Hiregoudar, Subramaniam R, Simpy Mittal, Prashant GM, Chandu GN. In vitro effect of smokeless tobacco extracts on the growth of Streptococcus mutans about nicotine and sugar contents. Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry;2010;16:174-8.
  • Subramaniam R, Simpy Mittal, Mahesh Hiregoudar, Muralikrishna KS, Sakeenabi B, Prashant GM, Chandu GN. Antimicrobial activity of antidiabetic herbs on Porphyromonas gingivalis, Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans and Candida albicans – an in vitro study. Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry;2011;17:319-24.
  • Subramaniam R, Simpy Mittal, Mahesh Hiregoudar, Muralikrishna KS, Sakeenabi B, Prashant GM, Chandu GN. Antimicrobial activity of Stevioside on Periodontal pathogens and Candida albicans – an in vitro study. Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry;2011;17:325-9.
  • Mahesh Hiregoudar, Subramaniam R, Simpy Mittal, Muralikrishna KS, Sakeenabi B, Prashant GM, Chandu GN. Antifungal effectiveness of some spice extracts on Candida albicans: an in-vitro study. Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry;2011;17:330-5.
  • Mahesh Hiregoudar, Subramaniam R, Simpy Mittal, Muralikrishna KS, Sakeenabi B, Prashant GM, Chandu GN. Antibacterial activity of some spice extracts on Streptococcus mutans: an in-vitro study. Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry;2011;17:347-51.
  • Simpy Mittal, Mahesh Hiregoudar, Subramaniam R, Muralikrishna KS, Sakeenabi B, Prashant GM, Chandu GN. Effect of three herbal extracts against Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus acidophilus in comparison to chlorhexidine. Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry;2011;17:336-40.
  • Simpy Mittal, Mahesh Hiregoudar, Subramaniam R, Muralikrishna KS, Sakeenabi B, Prashant GM, Chandu GN. Efficacy of three herbal extracts against three common oral microbes in comparison to chlorhexidine: an in vitro study. Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry;2011;17:341-6.
  • R. Subramaniam, R Sanjeev, Suneesh Kuruvilla, Mathew T Joy, B Muralikrishnan, John Paul. Jargon – a barrier in dental case history taking? – a cross-sectional questionnaire-based study among dental students and Staff. Dental Research Journal 2017;14(3):203-8
  • Allama Prabhu CR, BG Prasanna, B Sakeenabi, GM Prashant, R Subramaniam, Mallikarjuna Ragher. Effect of fluoride varnish and dentifrices and its combinations on deciduous enamel demineralization. Journal of Pharmacy and Bio-allied Sciences 2017;9(Suppl 1):112-6.
  • Swagathika Panda, Alakananda Sahoo, Neeta Mohanty, Sujit R Sahoo, Ramanarayanan Subramaniam. Tooth morphometry and palatal rugae in monozygotic and dizygotic twins of India. Journal of Orofacial Sciences 2017;9(2):99-106
  • Pooja Latti, Subramaniam Ramanarayanan, GM Prashant. Antifungal Efficacy of Spice Extracts against Candida albicans: An in vitro study. Indian Journal of Community Medicine 2019;44:S77-80.
  • Sreelakshmi MK, Kuruvilla S, Subramaniam R, Latti P, Venkitachalam R. An analysis of leptospirosis control in a flood-affected region of Kerala and the role of Accredited Social Health Activists – a questionnaire study. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness 2021:1-5
  • Pooja Latti, Subramaniam R, Sakeenabi Basha, Prashant GM, Naveen Kumar PG, Sushanth Hirekalmath. Efficacy of tea tree oil and garlic mouthwashes on Candida albicans – an in vivo study. Indian Journal of Natural Sciences 2021;12(67):32660-7.
  • Harapan Harapan, Samsul Anwar, Amanda Yufika,….Subramaniam R,.. et al. Vaccine hesitancy among communities in ten countries in Asia, Africa, and South America during the COVID-19 pandemic. Pathogens and Global Health published online on 20/12/2021
  • Nguyen Tien Huy, R Mathew Chico, Vuong Thanh Huan… et al. Awareness and preparedness of healthcare workers against the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional survey across 57 countries. PLoS ONE 16(12): e0258348. (collaborator)
  • Mahir Gachabayov, Khan Sharun, Daniel M Felsenreich… Subramaniam Ramanarayanan.. et al. Perceived risk of infection and death from COVID-19 among community members of low- and middle-income countries: A cross-sectional study – F1000
  • Pooja Latti, Deepa Ramesan, Subramaniam Ramanarayanan. Parental perceptions, attitudes, and practices regarding their children’s oral health in Kerala, India – a cross-sectional study – Journal of Nature and Science of Medicine 2022;5:268-72
  • Pooja Latti, R Subramaniam, Sakeenabi Basha, GM Prashant, Naveen Kumar, Sushanth Hirekalmath. Antibacterial Activity of Garlic Extract, Tea Tree Oil, and Its Mouthwashes against Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus: An In vivo Study Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry 2022;20:271-6.
  • Arshiya Tabassum, Mansharan Kaur Chainchel Singh, Norliza Ibrahim, Subramaniam Ramanarayanan, Mohd Yusmiaidil Putera Mohd Yuso. Quantifications of Mandibular Trabecular Bone Microstructure using Cone Beam Computed Tomography for Age Estimation: A Preliminary Study. Biology 2022, 11, 1521
  • Subramaniam Ramanarayanan, Suneesh Kuruvilla, Sabith Methar, Pooja Latti. The de-fluoridation potential of various indigenous thirst-quenching herbal products. Environment Engineering and Management Journal 2022;9(4)
  • Psychological and physiological relaxation using yoga with biomarker assessment in patients undergoing dental implant therapy: A pilot randomized controlled clinical trial. International Journal of Yoga Therapy 2022;32: Article 14
  • Subramaniam R, Simpy Mittal, Mahesh Hiregoudar, Usha Mohandas, Sakeenabi B, Prashant GM, Chandu GN.Knowledge of upper primary and secondary school physical education instructors in Davangere city about emergency management of dental trauma. Journal of Education and Ethics in Dentistry 2011;1:18-23.
  • Gururaju CR, Raghu KM, Subramaniam R, Mahesh Hiregoudar. Connecting implant to the teeth: Does tooth intrude? Indian Journal of Stomatology 2012;3(3):180-3.
  • Shwetha R, Subramaniam R, Sakeenabi B, Prashant GM, Chandu GN. Periodontal status and its relation to body mass index among upper primary and
  • secondary school physical education teachers in Davangere city, India. Journal of Odontological Research 2013;1(1):25-9.
  • Sanjeev R, Suneesh Kuruvilla, Subramaniam R. Knowledge, attitude and practice towards droplet and air-borne isolation precautions
  • among dental health care personnel in a dental college in Kothamangalam – a cross-sectional study. Journal of Odontological Research 2013;1(1):30-6.
  • Suneesh Kuruvilla, Sanjeev R, Subramaniam R. Knowledge, attitude and practice about Universal Precautions among dental health care personnel in a dental college in Kothamangalam – a cross-sectional study. Malanadu Dental Journal 2013;2(1):10-6.
  • Subramaniam R, Simpy Mittal, Mahesh Hiregoudar, Sakeenabi B, Prashant GM, Chandu GN. Individual variation in salivary factors and its variation about dental caries experience among twelve-year-old residential school children in Davangere city – a six months follow-up study. Journal of Odontological Research 2013;1(2):21-33.
  • Simpy Mittal, Amit Mahuli, Mahuli, Mahesh Hiregoudar, Subramaniam Ramanarayanan, Usha Mohandas, Prashant Goudar Manjunath, Chandu Gowrapura Natraj. Knowledge of oral cancer and screening practices of B. Sc. Nursing students in Davangere City, India. Journal of Education and Ethics in Dentistry 2013;3(1):40-3.
  • Subramaniam Ramanarayanan, Simpy Mittal, Mahesh Hiregoudar, Sakeenabi Basha, Prashant Goudar Manjunath, Chandu Gowrapura Nataraj. Antifungal activity of four commercially available intense sweeteners against Candida albicans – an in-vitro study. Universal Research Journal of Dentistry 2013;3(2):60-3.
  • Sanjeev R, Suneesh Kuruvilla, Subramaniam R, Prasanth PS, Meera Gopalakrishnan. Knowledge, attitude, and practice about biomedical waste management among dental health care personnel in dental colleges in Kothamangalam – a cross-sectional study. Health Sciences Journal 2014;1(3):1-12
  • Pius AV, Sanjeev R, Sanju John Jolly, Meenu Merry C Paul, Suneesh Kuruvilla, Subramaniam R. The oral health-related quality of life before and after wearing complete dentures among the patients visiting a dental college in Kothamangalam – six months follow up study. Journal of Odontological Research 2014;2(2):11-7.
  • Subramaniam R, Simpy Mittal, Mahesh Hiregoudar, Pooja Latti, Prashant GM, Chandu GN. Comparative antibacterial effectiveness of five hand antiseptics after hand washing with cosmetic, antiseptic, and ayurvedic soap. Journal of Odontological Research 2015;3(2):5-11.
  • Simpy Amit Mahuli, Amit Vasant Mahuli, R Subramaniam, Mahesh Hiregoudar, GM Prashant, GN Chandu. Effect of acid and fluoride release from four glass ionomer cements on Streptococcus mutans – an in vitro study. International Journal of Dental Health Concerns 2015;1:1-4
  • Pramod Philip Mathews, Subramaniam R, Suneesh Kuruvilla, Pooja Latti, R. Venkitachalam. Knowledge, attitude, and practices of apron hygiene among dental students, faculty, and auxiliaries in a dental college in Kerala. Journal of Odontological Research 2017;5(2):5-9.
  • Sanjeev R, Anis Ahmed, Shibu Thomas, Suneesh Kuruvilla, Subramaniam R. Prevalence of dental anxiety among patients visiting a dental college in Kothamangalam, Kerala, India. Health Sciences Journal 2016;1(4):27-33
  • Pooja Latti, Thara Bhavani, Subramaniam R. Knowledge, attitude and practices regarding medical emergencies among clinical dental students in a dental college in Kerala. Malanadu Dental Journal 2018;7(3):203-8
  • Subramaniam R, Suneesh Kuruvilla, Pooja Latti, Anesha Sebastian, Akhil VS. Prevalence of Nomophobia among students, interns and faculty in a dental college in Kerala. Journal of Odontological Research 2018;6(2):5-10
  • Subramaniam R, Suneesh Kuruvilla, Pooja Latti, Noushida NM, Liyas Pius. Knowledge, attitude, and practices regarding pharmacovigilance among students, house surgeons, and teaching faculty in a dental college in Kerala. Journal of Indian Dental Association – Kochi 2019;1(1):8-14
  • Pooja Latti, Subramaniam R, Prashant GM, Sushant Hirekalmath, Rashmi Girish Chour. Preparedness towards bioterrorism – A survey among postgraduate students and faculty members of Dental colleges of Davangere city, Karnataka. Journal of Indian Dental Association – Kochi 2019;1(4):2-9
  • Pooja Latti, Thara Bhavani, Subramaniam R, Dennis Johny. Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of HIV/AIDS among the Clinical Dental Students in a Dental College in Kerala. Annoor Journal of Scientific Research 2019;2(1):146-50.
  • Subramaniam R, Pooja Latti, R. Venkitachalam. Protective masks in dental practice. Malanadu Dental Journal 2020;9(1):59-62
  • Suneesh Kuruvilla, Subramaniam R, Serin Varghese, Riya Davis, Rahumath, Shaheena Latheef, Ashif Muhammed, Vidya Venugopal, Pooja Latti. Covid-19 awareness among patients visiting a dental hospital in Kerala, India. International Journal of Current Research 2020;12(5):11589-92.
  • Suneesh Kuruvilla, Subramaniam R, Pooja Latti, Lakshmi B, Meenakshy Suresh, Mushtaq Ummer, Keerthana Pradeep. Awareness about National Oral Health Policy among dental house surgeons and faculty. Journal of Odontological Research 2020;8(1):11-5.
  • Joshua Johnson, Achsah Rachel Johnson, Keerthy Rathan, Jesline Merly James, Suneesh Kuruvilla, Subramaniam R. Pandemic Bruxism – A review. Journal of Indian Dental Association – Kochi 2021;3(2):4-7
  • R. Subramaniam, Suneesh Kuruvilla, Pooja Latti, Nitha Jose, Nimda Ameena, Hamlu Haleem, Fathima Shahjahan. Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices regarding clinical diagnosis and certification of death by dentists. Journal of Global Oral Health 2021;4(1):33-7
  • Ala Beegum S, Ashiya Samad, Ashida Annie Arikattu, Dona Sara Biju, Fathima Sakkeer, Jesline Merly James, Suneesh Kuruvilla, Subramaniam R. Precision Dentistry – A personalized approach. Journal of Odontological Research 2020;8(2):11-7
  • Anamika Anil, Sulthana Sharafudeen, Anjali Krishna, Revathy Rajendran, Jesline M. James, Suneesh Kuruvilla, Subramaniam Ramanarayanan. Acceptance and concerns regarding COVID-19 vaccine in Kerala – a cross-sectional survey. Public Health Toxicology 2021;1(1):Online First
  • Adette Mariyam Alexander, Afnan Rahim, Alifna MM, Ammu P Paul, Subramaniam R, Jesline Merly James, Suneesh Kuruvilla. Voice as a diagnostic tool. Journal of Odontological Research 2021,9(1):18-23.
  • Dott F Rosiello, Samsul Anwar, Amanda Yufika, Rashed Y Adam… Subramaniam R… et al. Acceptance of COVID-19 vaccination at different hypothetical efficacy and safety levels in ten countries in Asia, Africa, and South America. Narra J 2021; 1(3): e55
  • Pooja Latti, R Subramaniam, GM Prashant. Antibacterial efficacy of Spice extracts against Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus acidophilus – an in vitro study. Journal of Global Oral Health 2021;4(2):73-7
  • Ani Antony, Ansa Basheer, Hanna John, Irfana Ismail, Jesline Merly James, R Subramaniam. Coronavirus disease 19 virus strains in India. International Journal of Preventive and Public Health Sciences 2021;7(1):1-5.
  •  Malik Sallam, Samsul Anwar, Amanda Yufika,… Subramaniam R…et al. Willingness-to-pay for COVID-19 vaccine in ten low-middle-income countries in Asia, Africa and South America – Narra J
  • NB Ameena, Subramaniam Ramanarayanan, Suneesh Kuruvilla, Pooja Latti. Perceptions and usage of masks among dental professionals – the impact of COVID. Journal of Global Oral Health doi:10.25259/JGOH_9_2021
  • Subramaniam R, Kuruvilla Suneesh, Latti Pooja, Suresh Meenakshy, Ummer Musthaq, Lakshmi B, Pradeep Keerthana. Knowledge, Attitude and Practices regarding pharmacological methods of tobacco cessation among dental students and teaching faculty members in Ernakulam District, Kerala – Journal of Oral and Biomedical Sciences 2022;1(2):76-83
  • Sreelakshmi MK, Subramaniam R, Suneesh Kuruvilla, Jesline Merly James. Hand hygiene – a review – Journal of Odontological Research 2022;10(1):5-9.
  • Suneesh Kuruvilla, Ashbin Paul, Ashique Manzoor, Akhil Sasi, Derin George, Rohit Krishna, Priya Babu, Jesline Merly James, Subramaniam R. Antibacterial activity of green tea leaves and leaves commonly added to green tea preparations against common periodontal pathogens – an in vitro study. Journal of Odontological Research 2022;10(2): 33-40
  • R. Subramaniam, R Sanjeev, Suneesh Kuruvilla, Mathew T Joy, B Muralikrishnan, John Paul. Jargon – a barrier in dental case history taking? – a cross-sectional questionnaire-based study among dental students and Staff. Dental Research Journal 2017;14(3):203-8
  • Sreelakshmi MK, Kuruvilla S, Subramaniam R, Latti P, Venkitachalam R. An analysis of leptospirosis control in a flood-affected region of Kerala and the role of Accredited Social Health Activists – a questionnaire study. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness 2021:1-5
  • Nguyen Tien Huy, R Mathew Chico, Vuong Thanh Huan… et al. Awareness and preparedness of healthcare workers against the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional survey across 57 countries. PLoS ONE 16(12): e0258348. (collaborator)
  • Subramaniam Ramanarayanan, Suneesh Kuruvilla, Sabith Methar, Pooja Latti. De-fluoridation potential of various Indigenous thirst-quenching herbal products. Environment Engineering and Management Journal 2022;9(4)
  • Sanjeev R, Suneesh Kuruvilla, Subramaniam R. Knowledge, attitude and practice towards droplet and air-borne isolation precautions among dental health care personnel in a dental college in Kothamangalam – a cross-sectional study. Journal of Odontological Research 2013;1(1):30-6.
  • Suneesh Kuruvilla, Sanjeev R, Subramaniam R. Knowledge, attitude and practice about Universal Precautions among dental health care personnel in a dental college in Kothamangalam – a cross-sectional study. Malanadu Dental Journal 2013;2(1):10-6.
  • Sanjeev R, Suneesh Kuruvilla, Subramaniam R, Prasanth PS, Meera Goplakrishnan. Knowledge, attitude and practice about biomedical waste management among dental health care personnel in dental colleges in Kothamangalam – a cross sectional study. Health Sciences Journal 2014;1(3):1-12
  • Pius AV, Sanjeev R, Sanju John Jolly, Meenu Merry C Paul, Suneesh Kuruvilla, Subramaniam R. The oral health related quality of life before and after wearing complete dentures among the patients visiting a dental college in Kothamangalam – a six months follow up study. Journal of Odontological Research 2014;2(2):11-7.
  • Pramod Philip Mathews, Subramaniam R, Suneesh Kuruvilla, Pooja Latti, R. Venkitachalam. Knowledge, attitude and practices of apron hygiene among dental students, faculty and auxiliaries in a dental college in Kerala. Journal of Odontological Research 2017;5(2):5-9.
  • Sanjeev R, Anis Ahmed, Shibu Thomas, Suneesh Kuruvilla, Subramaniam R. Prevalence of dental anxiety among patients visiting a dental college in Kothamangalam, Kerala, India. Health Sciences Journal 2016;1(4):27-33
  • Subramaniam R, Suneesh Kuruvilla, Pooja Latti, Anesha Sebastian, Akhil VS. Prevalence of Nomophobia among students, interns and faculty in a dental college in Kerala. Journal of Odontological Research 2018;6(2):5-10
  • Subramaniam R, Suneesh Kuruvilla, Pooja Latti, Noushida NM, Liyas Pius. Knowledge, attitude and practices regarding pharmacovigilance among students, house surgeons and teaching faculty in a dental college in Kerala. Journal of Indian Dental Association – Kochi 2019;1(1):8-14
  • Suneesh Kuruvilla, Subramaniam R, Serin Varghese, Riya Davis, Rahumath, Shaheena Latheef, Ashif Muhammed, Vidya Venugopal, Pooja Latti. Covid-19 awareness among patients visiting a dental hospital in Kerala, India. International Journal of Current Research 2020;12(5):11589-92.
  • Suneesh Kuruvilla, Subramaniam R, Pooja Latti, Lakshmi B, Meenakshy Suresh, Musthaq Ummer, Keerthana Pradeep. Awareness about National Oral Health Policy among dental house surgeons and faculty. Journal of Odontological Research 2020;8(1):11-5.
  • Joshua Johnson, Achsah Rachel Johnson, Keerthy Rathan, Jesline Merly James, Suneesh Kuruvilla, Subramaniam R. Pandemic Bruxism – A review. Journal of Indian Dental Association – Kochi 2021;3(2):4-7
  • R. Subramaniam, Suneesh Kuruvilla, Pooja Latti, Nitha Jose, Nimda Ameena, Hamlu Haleem, Fathima Shahjahan. Knowledge, Attitude and Practices regarding clinical diagnosis and certification of death by dentists. Journal of Global Oral Health 2021;4(1):33-7
  • Ala Beegum S, Ashiya Samad, Ashida Annie Arikattu, Dona Sara Biju, Fathima Sakkeer, Jesline Merly James, Suneesh Kuruvilla, Subramaniam R. Precision Dentistry – A personalized approach. Journal of Odontological Research 2020;8(2):11-7
  • Anamika Anil, Sulthana Sharafudeen, Anjali Krishna, Revathy Rajendran, Jesline M. James, Suneesh Kuruvilla, Subramaniam Ramanarayanan. Acceptance and concerns regarding COVID 19 vaccine in Kerala – a cross-sectional survey. Public Health Toxicology 2021;1(1):Online first
  • Adette Mariyam Alexander, Afnan Rahim, Alifna MM, Ammu P Paul, Subramaniam R, Jesline Merly James, Suneesh Kuruvilla. Voice as a diagnostic tool. Journal of Odontological Research 2021,9(1):18-23.
  • NB Ameena, Subramaniam Ramanarayanan, Suneesh Kuruvilla, Pooja Latti. Perceptions and usage of masks among dental professionals – the impact of COVID. Journal of Global Oral Health doi :10.25259/JGOH_9_2021
  • Subramaniam R, Kuruvilla Suneesh, Latti Pooja, Suresh Meenakshy, Ummer Musthaq, Lakshmi B, Pradeep Keerthana. Knowledge, Attitude and Practices regarding pharmacological methods of tobacco cessation among dental students and teaching faculty members in Ernakulam District, Kerala – Journal of Oral and Biomedical Sciences 2022;1(2):76-83
  • Sreelakshmi MK, Subramaniam R, Suneesh Kuruvilla, Jesline Merly James. Hand hygiene – a review – Journal of Odontological Research 2022;10(1):5-9.
  • Suneesh Kuruvilla, Ashbin Paul, Ashique Manzoor, Akhil Sasi, Derin George, Rohit Krishna, Priya Babu, Jesline Merly James, Subramaniam R. Antibacterial activity of green tea leaves and leaves commonly added to green tea preparations against common periodontal pathogens – an in vitro study. Journal of Odontological Research 2022;10(2): 33-40
  • James JM, Puranik MP, Sowmya KR. Radiation induced caries. International Journal of Health Science and Research. 2016;6(8):343-351
  • James JM, Puranik MP, Sowmya KR. Mothers’ Sense of Coherence as a Predictor of Oral Health Related Quality of Life Among Preschool Children: A Cross-Sectional Study. J Indian Assoc Public Health Dent 2017;15:11-6.
  • James JM, Puranik MP, Sowmya KR. Dentinal tubule occluding effect of potassium nitrate in varied forms, frequencies and duration: An in vitro SEM analysis. Journal of clinical and diagnostic research: JCDR. 2017 Aug;11(8):ZC06.
  • Sowmya KR, Puranik MP, James JM, Sabbarwal B. Perceptions about toothbrush contamination and disinfection among dental students in Bengaluru City: A cross-sectional study. Indian Journal of Dental Research. 2017 Nov 1;28(6):646.
  • Jesline Merly James , Manjunath P Puranik , Sowmya K R. Effects of radiotherapy on dentition. Lambert Publishers (ISBN no 6204718886 published on November 15, 2021)
  • Gis George, Ranjini M. A., Swapna D. V., Rashmi K., Jesline Merly James, Roopa R. Nadig. Evaluation of Dentinal Crack Formation by ProTaper Next, HyFlex CM and Wave One Reciprocating File Systems at the Apical and Middle Third of Root in Mandibular Molars–An In-Vitro Scanning Electron Microscope Analysis. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences. 2021 Aug 9;10(32):2597-602.
  • T Chandran, NS Ravindranath, R Raju, S Samuel, JM James, F Mistry. Association of Self-Concept with Oral Health Status among Children Residing in Orphanages in Bengaluru. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences, 10(33), pp.2795-2799.
  • Adette Mariyam Alexander, Afnan Rahim, Alifna M M, Ammu P Paul, Subramaniam R, Jesline Merly James, Suneesh Kuruvilla. Voice as a diagnostic tool. J Odontol Res. 2020; 9(1): 18-23.
  • Ala Beegum S., Ashiya Samad, Ashida Annie Arikattu, Dona Sara Biju, Fathima Sakeer, Jesline Merly James, Suneesh Kuruvilla, Subramaniam R. Precision dentistry- a personalized approach. J Odontol Res.2020; 8(2): 11-7.
  • Anamika Anil, Sulthana Sharafudeen, Anjali Krishna, Revathy Rajendran, Jesline M. James, Suneesh Kuruvilla, Subramaniam Ramanarayanan. Acceptance and concerns regarding COVID-19 vaccination in Kerala, India. Public Health Toxicol 2021;1(1):5
  • A Antony, H John, I Ismail, JM James, R Subramaniam. Corona virus disease-19 virus strains in India: A review. International Journal of Preventive and Public Health Sciences; 2021: 7(1):1-5
  • Joshua Johnson, Dr. Achsah Rachel Johnson, Dr. Keerthy Rathan. , Jesline Merly James, Dr. Suneesh Kuruvilla, Dr. Subramaniam R. Pandemic bruxism. An unwanted gift of COVID 19. J Ind Dent Assoc Kochi 2021; 3(2): 4-7.
  • James JM, Puranik MP, Sowmya KR. Self-perception of dental esthetics, malocclusion, and oral health-related quality of life among 13–15-year-old schoolchildren in Bengaluru: A cross-sectional study. J Nat Sci Med 2022;5:262-7.
  • JM James, G George, MR Cherian, N Rasheed. Third hand smoke- composition and consequences: a narrative review. Public Health Toxicol. 2022; 2 (3): 1-6.
  • Sreelakshmi M K, Subramaniam R Suneesh Kuruvilla, Jesline Merly James. Hand Hygiene – A Review. J Odontol Res 2022;10(1)5-9
  • Thara Chandran, Jesline Merly James, Shabna G S. Antibiotic resistance and stewardship in the context of COVID 19 pandemic: A review. J Odontol Res 2022;10(2)5-9
  • Gis George, Jesline Merly James, Shahna N, Nazia Rasheed. Noise pollution – An under diagnosed potential occupational hazard in dentistry. J Odontol Res 2022;10(2)10-4.
  • Antibacterial activity of green tea leaves and leaves commonly added to green tea preparations, against common periodontal pathogens – An in vitro study. Suneesh Kuruvilla, Ashbin Paul, Ashique Manzoor, Akhil Sasi, Derin George, Rohit Krishna, Priya Babu, Subramaniam R, Jesline Merly James. J Odontol Res 2022;10(2)33-8
  • Babu P, Chandra KM, Vanishree MK, Amritha N. Relationship between academic procrastination and self-esteem among dental students in Bengaluru City. J Indian Assoc Public Health Dent 2019;17:146-51.
  • Amritha N, Vanishree MK, Chandra KM, Babu P. Assessment of dental students’ attitudes and perceptions toward professionalism. J Indian Assoc Public Health Dent 2019;17:19-24.
  • Amritha N, Chandra KM, Vanisree MK, Babu P. Dental records: Do we maintain it the right way?. Karnataka State Dental Journal. 2019;36(1):5-9.
  • Babu P, Chandra KM, Vanisree MK, Amritha N. Genetic Counselling -bridging The Gap Between Genetic Field Complexity And Life. Karnataka State Dental Journal. 2019; 36(1):15-19.
  • Babu P, Ingale PC. Risks associated with the use of face masks during the COVID-19 crisis. J Odontol Res 2022; 10(1):10-3.

Observance Of Important Days

  1. Dentist Day – 6th March
  2. World Oral Health Day – 20th March
  3. World No Tobacco Day – 31st May
  4. National Public Health Dentistry Day – 19th June

Flagship Pojects

  1. ‘Say No to Oral Cancer’ (2013 onwards) – in association with the Rotary Club of Perumbavoor Central
  2. Professional Enrichment Program for Interns (PEPI) – 2019 onwards
  3. Ethics and Jurisprudence workshops
  4. Most Promising Dental Intern Award – Dentist Day – 2022 onwards

Achievements And Positions Held

Dr. Subramaniam R

  1. Editor-in charge – Journal of Odontological Research (ISSN 2320-7795), August 2012-April 2014, November 2018 to November 2021
  2. Review board member – International journal of oral care and research, International Journal of Dental Health Concerns, Amrita Journal of Medicine, Indian Journal of Dental Research
  3. Editorial advisory board member – International archives of Integrated medicine, Annoor Journal of Scientific Research
  4. Editor in-charge – Journal of Indian Dental Association, Kochi – 2018-2020.
  5. Section Editor (Public Health Dentistry) – Journal of Clinical Dentistry
  6. Member Secretary – Institutional Ethics Committee, Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, Kothamangalam.
  7. Joint Secretary and Treasurer – Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry – Kerala Chapter – 2014-2015.
  8. Secretary – Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry – Kerala Chapter – November 2016 – March 2019
  9. Executive committee member IDA Kochi – 2018-2019, 2019-2020, 2022-2023
  10. Chairperson – Institutional Ethics Committee, Mar Baselios Dental College and Hospital, Kothamangalam
  11. PhD Guide – Kerala University of Health Sciences
  12. Doctoral committee member for PhD students – Kerala University of Health Sciences
  13. President elect – Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry, Kerala Chapter 2022-23
  14. Guided 3 ICMR STS projects and 1 KSCSTE funded project

Invited Speaker –

  1. ASWAS – District Seminar on Cancer care – Organised by Rotary International at Hotel Elite Palazzo, Angamaly, Kerala, on 09/11/2014
  2. International Public Health Conference at Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, on 2nd and 3rd November 2018.
  3. 9th Research Methodology Workshop at Government Dental College, Kottayam, on 24th September 2019, on the topic ‘Fundamentals of Journal Based Learning’
  4. Pathfinder VII – Organized by Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry, Bangalore Chapter on the topic ‘An approach to research methods and biostatistics’ at KLE International School, Bengaluru on 23rd January 2020.
  5. National Public Health Dentistry Day 2020 – Webinar hosted by Amrita School of Dentistry and Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry – Kerala Chapter, on 19th June 2020. Topic: Public Health Dentistry in Kerala – An introspection.
  6. Resource faculty – Fundamentals of Health Research – Amrita School of Dentistry, Kochi on 30th September and 1st October 2020.
  7. Pathfinder VIII – Organized by Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry, Bangalore Chapter on the topic ‘The Art of Scientific Publication’ on 19th March 2021. (online)
  8. CDE on Tobacco cessation – a professional update by Al Badar Dental College and Hospital, Kalaburagi, on the topic – Role of dental professional in tobacco control, on 31st May 2021 (online)
  9. PHOENIX 2021 – Virtual conference of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry, Kerala Chapter on the topic ‘Publish or Perish – The art of Scientific publication’ held on 20th of June 2021.
  10. One Day Workshop on ‘From research to publication’ – Lecture on the topics ‘Introduction to Scientific Publication, Preparation of Manuscript, Selection of journals, Submission of manuscript and Publication Process’ – Conducted by Mahe Institute of Dental Sciences and Research, Mahe, on 10th of October 2021.
  11. Keynote address on the topic ‘Oral Disease Burden and Oral Health Workforce in India – an introspection’ at Oral Health Week organized by St. Gregorios Dental College, Chelad, Kothamangalam, on 24th March 2022.
  12. Resource Person in RIMS-ECHO model of capacity building for Tobacco Cessation Services (online), for the workforce employed under the National Tobacco Control Program, Jharkhand, organized by Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Ranchi on 02nd June 2022.
  13. Resource faculty on the topic ‘Oral Disease Burden and Oral Health Workforce in India – an introspection’ at Cognizance, a webinar organized by Mahe Institute of Dental Sciences, Mahe, on 19th June 2022.
  14. Value added course on Evidence Based Dentistry and Fundamentals of Scientific Publication – Organized by Annoor Dental College and Hospital, Muvattupuzha on 18th October 2022.
  15. Resource person in a CDE on the topic ‘Fundamentals of Scientific Publication’ conducted by Al Azhar Dental College and Hospital, Thodupuzha, on 29th of November 2022.
  16. Invited speaker for Value added course on ‘ Basic Research Methodology for Biomedical Research’ on the topic ‘Evidence Based Dentistry’ at KMCT Dental College, Mukkom, Kozhikode on 4th of February 2023.

Dr. Suneesh Kuruvilla

  1. Ethics committee member – IEC, IGIDS
  2. Ethics committee member – Mar Baselios Dental College, Kothamangalam
  3. Nodal officer – Students Support and Guidance Program Cell (SSGP, IGIDS)
  4. Project co-ordinator – Say No to Oral Cancer
  5. Executive committee member – IDA Smart City (2021-2022, 2022-2023)
  6. Certified Counsellor
  7. Guided 2 ICMR-STS Projects and 1 KSCSTE funded project

Dr. Jesline Merly James

  1. Editor-in charge – Journal of Odontological Research (ISSN 2320-7795), since 2021
  2. Review board member – Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry (JIAPHD)
  3. Guided 1 ICMR-STS Project and 1 KSCSTE funded project

Dr. Priya Babu

  1. National Service Scheme (NSS) Co-Ordinator, IGIDS

Future Plans

  1. Enhancing collaborative and funded research projects
  2. Adoption of palliative care centers and remote tribal villages
  3. Extending the scope of our flagship project – ‘Say No to Oral Cancer’
  4. Providing holistic and comprehensive training for interns through the Professional Enrichment Program for Interns
  5. Ensuring primary oral health care through community participation, intersectoral coordination, tie up with governmental and non-governmental agencies, use of appropriate technology, and focus on prevention



  1. Knowledge, attitude, and practice towards droplet and air-borne isolation precautions among dental health care personnel in a dental college in Kothamangalam – a cross-sectional study.
  2. Knowledge, attitude, and practice about Universal Precautions among dental health care personnel in a dental college in Kothamangalam – a cross-sectional study.
  3. Prevalence of dental anxiety among patients visiting a dental college in Kothamangalam, Kerala, India.
  4. The use of jargon in dental case history taking. A cross-sectional questionnaire-based survey among dental students and faculty members of Ernakulam District, Kerala
  5. Knowledge, attitude, and practice about biomedical waste management among dental health care personnel in dental colleges in Kothamangalam – a cross-sectional study.
  6. Oral Health-Related Quality of Life of Life before and after wearing complete dentures fabricated by dental undergraduate students in a dental college in Kothamangalam – a six-month follow-up study.
  7. Knowledge, attitude, and practices of apron hygiene among dental students, faculty, and auxiliaries in a dental college in Kerala.
  8. Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices regarding clinical diagnosis and certification of death by dentists.
  9. Prevalence of mobile phone usage among dental students and faculty in a dental college in Kothamangalam – a cross-sectional study.
  10. Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices regarding pharmacovigilance among dental students and faculty in a dental college in Kerala
  11. Covid-19 awareness among patients visiting a dental hospital in Kerala, India
  12. Knowledge and Attitude regarding National Oral Health Policy among dental faculty and students in a dental college in Kerala.
  13. Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices Regarding non-behavioral methods of tobacco cessation among dental faculty and students in a dental college in Kerala.
  14. Knowledge and Attitude regarding secondhand and third hand smoke among dental faculty and students in a dental college in Kerala.
  15. Perceptions and usage of masks among dental professionals – the impact of COVID
  16. Acceptance and concerns regarding COVID-19 vaccine in Kerala – a cross-sectional survey


  1. An analysis of leptospirosis control in a flood affected region of Kerala and the role of Accredited Social Health Activists – a questionnaire study.
  2. Defluoridation potential of various indigenous thirst-quenching herbal products.


  1. Estimation of fluoride concentration and fluoride mapping of groundwater and all drinking water sources in Kothamangalam Taluk, Kerala
  2. Evaluation of antibacterial efficacy of commercially available gel-based hand sanitizers and alcohol-based hand rubs routinely used in dental practice about different hand washing regimens


  1. Estimation of fluoride concentration in commercially available vegan milk in India
  2. Estimation of fluoride levels in indigenous ayurvedic preparations prescribed for infants, toddlers, and preschool children in Kerala

KSCSTE Funded Projects

  1. Antifungal activity of natural sugar substitutes against candida albicans – an in vitro study – KSCSTE funding approved
  2. Antibacterial activity of Green tea leaves and leaves commonly added to green tea preparations against periodontal pathogens – an invitro study. – KSCSTE approved – – Public Health Dentistry

Collaborative research

  1. Awareness and Perception of Hospital Staff against Novel Coronavirus: a global survey. (in collaboration with Nagasaki University, Japan)
  2. Acceptance of COVID-19 vaccines at different efficacies and safety in ten countries in Asia, Africa, and South America during the COVID-19 pandemic (in collaboration with Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia)
  3. Vaccine Hesitancy among Communities in Ten Countries in Asia, Africa, and South America during the COVID-19 Pandemic (in collaboration with Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia)
  4. Willingness to pay for COVID-19 vaccine in ten low-middle-income countries in Asia, Africa, and South America (in collaboration with Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia)
  5. Perceived risk of infection and death from COVID-19 among community members of low- and middle-income countries: A cross-sectional study. (in collaboration with Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia)

Ongoing research projects

  1. Gender preference among patients in choosing a dental health care provider – a cross-sectional study.
  2. Perceptions regarding tobacco control legislations – a cross-sectional study
  3. Changing perceptions and preferences for fixed orthodontic treatment among 18-25 year old before and during the COVID-19 pandemic – a qualitative study
  4. Impact of Covid 19 on other healthcare needs – a questionnaire study.