


To evolve the  department into a  Centre for excellence in providing knowledge, techniques, skills to students and providing best quality treatment to the population


  • TMJ clinic
  • Geriatric clinic
  • Comprehensive clinic


Dr. Mary .V. Gibi
Dr. Athira K S
Sr. Lecturer
Dr. Ann George
Sr. Lecturer
Dr. Ambily Ravindran
Sr. Lecturer
Dr. Sethu S
Sr. Lecturer
Dr. Pinky Varghese
Dr. Jittin James
Dr. Miriam Mathew
HOD, Professor


  • To develop more efficient and innovative teaching practices
  • To encourage students to practice ethical and evidence-based dentistry.
  • To spread awareness among the public regarding prosthetic needs and treatment options for the same
  • To acquire and incorporate the latest materials, technology, and equipment to enable students to be on par  globally
  • To cater to the prosthetic needs of the ailing and infirm geriatric population


  • To establish the department as a center of advanced learning in the field of prosthetic dentistry in the region
  • To conduct various community outreach programs to fulfill the prosthetic needs to benefit populations
  • To increase awareness and enhance the utilization of oral health services.
  • To participate in funded research projects.
  • To be recognized as a state-of-the-art research center for prosthetic materials and fabrication technology

By Faculty

Scientific Publications

  • M Mathew, B John, A George. An Early Loaded Implant -Supported Mandibular Complete Arch Fixed Prosthesis in a Young Completely Edentulous Patient: A Case Report, J Oral Implantol.2013;39,4:487 – 495
  • V Mani, K. K. Sivaprasad,A George, V. S Vinod, M Mathew, S Paul Hybrid Implant : A Novel Implant System J Maxillofac Oral Surg. 2015 Sep; 14(3): 720–727. Published online 2014 Nov 5. doi: 10.1007/s12663-014-0722-9 PMCID: PMC4511897 PMID: 26225068
  • J Julian, K George, M Mathew, RS Chandran, S Joseph V, V Krishnan, Prosthetic Management of Tooth Loss due to Hemangioma. J Indian Prosthodont Soc- Supplementary (2013); 184-189
  • Julian, J J Mathew, M Mathew, K George, R s Chandran. Implant Placement with Simultaneous Grafting in the Anterior Maxilla – A Case Report, J. Datta Meghe Inst. Med. Sci. Univ. 2011;6 (3): 153-156
  • Julian, S T Parackal, P K Smily, M Mathew.Full mouth rehabilitation of a patient with Chronic Periodontitis, KDJ.2011;34 (3); 332- 334
  • B Cherian, C Nair, M Mathew, K George, V Sanjeevan. Duplicate dentures: Impression tray technique, KDJ. 2013;36 (1); 29 – 31
  • P R Ranijayatha, B Nandakishore, M Mathew, A Mohan, F Aboobacker. Full Mouth Rehabilitation of the Patient with Severely Worn Dentition using a Twin Stage Procedure: A case report, J Prosthet Implant Dent. 2021;5 (1): 26 -33
  • M Mathew, A K Subhash, A Mohan, F Aboobacker. Tall and Tilted Pin Hole Immediately Loaded Implants (Ttphil) – All Tilt Concept- Rehabilitation of the Atrophic Ridges: A Review, Int. J. Med. Sci. Clin. Res.2019; 2 (6):251-255
  • Jittin James. Characterization of complete dentures: a literature review. Kerala Dental Journal 2014;37(4):258-259
  • Jittin James. denture stomatitis and its management- review article. Malanadu Dental Journal 2015;4(2)
  • Jittin James. Erosive Lichen Planus of the Oral cavity; A case Report. IJSS Journal of Surgery.2015;1(4):24-28
  • Jittin James. Crocker & Hartzell’s Disease of the Tongue: Two Case Reports with Review of Literature. Int J Sci Stud 2015;3(6):203-206
  • Jittin James. Bullous Pemphigoid of the Oral Cavity – 2 Case Reports with Review of Literature. iosr-jdms.2015; Vol.14,Issue 9 Ver.3:111-114
  • Jittin James. Peripheral Ossifying Fibroma of the Posterior Maxilla: A Rare Case Report. Int Sci Stud 2015;3(6):217-220
  • Jittin James. Effect of recasting on the physical properties of base metal alloys: An in vitro study. J IntSoc Prevent Communit Dent 2018;8: 457-62
  • Jittin James. Evaluation of radicular dentin microcracks formation after instrumentation with NiTi Hand and Rotary file system: A Stereomicroscopic study. J Contemp Dent Pract 2020;XX(X):1-5
  • Jittin James. A Comparative evaluation of abrasion resistance of 3 commercially available type IV dental stones, dried using three different drying techniques- An In vitro study. J Pharm Bioall Sci 2021;13:S580-5.
  • Kuruvilla A, Varghese P. Lasers in prosthodontics-A review. J Odontol Res. 2021;9(1): 29-33
  • Varghese P, Cherian B, Sukumaran B, Anu S, Jacob B, Raja V. Analysis of geometric proportions on maxillary anterior teeth for esthetic smile design: An In vivo study. J Pharm Bioall Sci. 2021;13(5):778.
  • John, L., kp, c., ks, j., Revisudhan, J. and Sramadathil, S., 2020. Current concept of immediate loading of implants. malanadu dental journal, 9(3).
  • Revisudhan, J., KP, C., KS, J., Sramadathil, S. and John, L., 2020. Predictable digital surgical guide. malanadu dental journal, 9(3)
  • Sramadathil, S., K.P, h., K.S, J., Revisudhan, j. and John, L., 2020. implant impressions. malanadu dental journal, 9(4)
  • S. “Every Contact Leaves Its Trace”-Insight into Recent Advances of Forensic Odontology. JCTR. 2015;3(1):1.
  • Raghavan R, Shajahan PA, Ravindran PA Surface treatments of implant: a review. International Journal of Science & Healthcare Research. 2020; 5(1): 128-131.

Observance Of Important Days

  1. Prosthodontists Day

Flagship Pojects

  1. Free Denture Program

Acheivements And Recognition

Dr. Miriam Mathew

  1. Ethics committee member – IEC, IGIDS
  2. Ethics committee member – Mar Baselios Dental College, Kothamangalam
  3. Completed the 300 hour Maxicourse in Dental Implantology in Chennai, India conducted by the American Academy of Implant Dentistry
  4. Awarded Best Paper: Alveolar Ridge augmentation
  5. Completed the 150 hour Fellowship in Orofaical Pain , Temperomandibular Disorders and Sleep Medicine conducted by Smile USA Academy, New Jersey , USA in Bangalore
  6. Completed the 250 hour Continuum in Orofacial Pain, Temperomandibular Disorders and Sleep Medicine conducted by Smile USA Academy , New Jersey, USA in Mumbai

Dr Jittin James

  1. Presentation at Kerala State Dental Conference on “Sinus augmentation for supplementing prosthetic space in implantology

Dr Sethu

  1. KSCSTE grant on “Near field Communication in Prosthetic Dentistry’ – Dr Sethu S.
  2. KSCSTE student project on antifungal activity of Glycyrrhiza Glabra and Murraya Koenigii against Candida albicans biofilms on acrylic resin surfaces with denture adhesives

Dr Pinky Varghese

  1. Editorial Board – Journal of Odontological Research (ISSN 2320-7795), since 2018

Future Plans

  1. To establish the department as a center for advanced learning in the field of Prosthodontics.
  2. To conduct community outreach programs to educate the rural population regarding prosthetic dentistry.
  3. To make the department a center of postgraduate excellence
  4. Providing holistic and comprehensive training for interns through the Professional Enrichment Program for Interns
  5. To acquire and incorporate new materials, instruments, and equipment to expose and familiarize students with their use.