Oral Medicine and Radiology



  1. To provide quality screening and early detection of potentially malignant and malignant disorders, TMJ & other pain-related diseases and subsequently draw up adequate counseling and guidance to the patients for optimal treatment planning.
  2. To impart quality training and education to students so that they are able to participate and excel in the diagnosis and treatment planning of various oral and para-oral disorders.


  • Tobacco Cessation Clinic in association with Department of Community Dentistry and Department of Oral Pathology.
  • TMJ clinic in association with the Department of Prosthodontics.
  • Oral Cancer Detection And Prevention Cell
  • Comprehensive Clinic


Dr. Shabil Mohammed Musthafa
HOD, Professor
Dr. Nadah Najeeb Rawther
Dr. Divya Nair
Sr. Lecturer
Dr. Gigi Roy
Sr. Lecturer


  • To expand the chair side investigations with the help of conventional methods like vital staining and oral scans in the detection of Potentially Malignant diseases [PMDs]
  • To avail appropriate treatment planning of PMDs to a maximum number of patients and expand the horizons of treatment using recent advancements.
  • To introduce innovative diagnostic and radiographic aids, for better student comprehension and upliftment of college facilities.
  • To commence minor surgical procedures like biopsy & sialography within the department
  • To conduct camps to spread awareness for lifestyle-related oral mucosal lesions and provide treatment for the same
  • To promote funded research projects and innovative ideas in the field of Oral Medicine & Radiology among students
  • Expansion of treatment for temporomandibular disorders [TMDs] and orofacial pain using a multidisciplinary approach
  • To adopt CBCT sialography in the diagnosis of salivary gland diseases
  • Promotion of publications of research papers among interns in indexed journals
  • To develop simulation-based learning methods for the upgrading of subject knowledge among students


  • To make progress in chair-side investigations by incorporating advanced techniques for comprehensive and customizable patient care
  • Introduction of pharyngeal airway analysis software
  • Expansion of CBCT for orthodontic analysis
  • To collaborate with high-end diagnostic centers to expand the scope of advanced imaging techniques and diagnose the progressing lesions.
  • To create scope for observatory internship for students in cancer research center
  • To establish post-graduation in OMR.

By Faculty

Scientific Publications

  • Nadah Najeeb Rawther, Rajesh Raj P, Merlyin Ann Abraham, Siyad K.P, Giju Baby George. An Evil Blight of the Buccal Mucosa – Case Report with Review of Literature. Journal of Medical and Dental Science Research.2015; 2(12): 24-29
  • Raj P Rajesh, Rawather Nadah Najeeb, James Jittin, Siyad K P, Padiyath Sheeba. Erosive Lichen Planus of the Oral Cavity: A Case Report. IJSS Journal of Surgery. 2015; 1(4): 24-28.
  • Raj, P Rajesh, Nadah Najeeb Rawther, Esha Nausheen, Merlyin Ann Abraham and Giju Baby George. Sialography – A Case Report. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences. 2016;15(2): 67-70
  • Raj RP, Rawther NN, Varghese S, James J, George GB. Crocker & Hartzell’s Disease of the Tongue: Two Case Reports with Review of Literature. Int J Sci Stud 2015;3(6):203-206.
  • Raj PR, Rawther NN, Siyad KP, Abraham MA, George GB. Efficacy of Diode Lasers in the Treatment of Oral Leukoplakia: A Case Report. 2015;2(4):32.
  • Nadah Najeeb, Anoop Mathew, Nisha U, Rajesh Raj P.A bizarre dysplasia of the gingiva-case report with review of the literature. J Odontol Res 2018;6(2)19-24.
  • RajeshRaj, P, Nadah Najeeb Rawther, Giju Baby George and Sheeba Padiyath. A Noval Approach to the Treatment of Proliferative Verrucous Leukoplakia – A Case Report of Laser Therapy. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences.2015;14(9): 121-4.
  • Nadah Najeeb, Raj P: Bullous Pemphigoid of the Oral Cavity – 2 Case Reports with Review of LiteratureIOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences. 2015;14(9): 111-4.
  • Gopal, D.S., & Paul, D. A. Maxillary Sinus, Frontal Sinus and Nasal Septum Patterns in Personal Identification in Forensics Using CBCT- A Retrospective Study. J. Dent. Sci.2017; 4(4):158-167
  • Meera M,Alana P,Divya N.The importance of general examination in temporomandibular disorder patientsJ Odontol Res 2021;9(1)24-8.
  • Ramesh D, Nair D, Kempwade P, Thriveni R, Byatnal AR, Rukhsar I. Comparative evaluation of the effect of therapeutic ultrasound and transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation in temporalis and masseter myofascial pain. J Nat Sc Biol Med 2020; 11:7- 11.
  • Thriveni R, Rukhsar I, Ramesh D, Patil SS, Byatnal AR, Nair D. Development and clinical evaluation of transmucosal mucoadhesive patch of lornoxicam for the odontogenic pain management: A preliminary study. J Nat Sc Biol Med 2020;11:12-16.
  • Meera M,Alana P,Divya N.The importance of general examination in temporomandibular disorder patients. J Odontol Res 2021;9(1)24-8.
  • Amit Byatnal1, DNSV Ramesh, Divya Nair, Iram Rukhsar, Pragati Kempwade and Swetha Kattimani. Cephalometric Evaluation of Pharyngeal Airway in Oral Submucous Fibrosis – A Preliminary Study. Acta Scientific Otolaryngology. 2023; 5(3): 46-50.
  • Roy G, Vijayan A, Shajahan S, Anuja S, Mathen RE. Oral Leukoplakia: An Insight. Int J Oral Health Med Res 2018;5(1):57-61.
  • Rawson K, Rani RU, Susan S, Roy G. Drug-induced erythema multiforme: Reporting 2 cases. J Indian Acad Oral Med Radiol 2018;30: 306-309.
  • Rawson K, Vinod S, Sreenivasan, Roy G. Drug-induced bullous pemphigoid – A case report with review. J Indian Acad Oral Med Radiol 2018;30: 427-431.
  • Gigi Roy, Anu Vijayan, Sonia Susan Philip, SheebaPadiyath, BeenaKumary T .P. and Anju Elizabeth Thomas. Prevalence of ponticulusposticus among central Kerala population – A digital radiographic study. International Journal of Current Research. 2019; 11 (02):1568-71.
  • Roy G, Philip S, Vijayan A, Thomas A. Radicular Cyst: A Case Series. Taper- J Indian Dental Association Thiruvalla. 2019;3(1): 47-50.
  • Vijayan A, Roy G, Beenakumary TP, Philip S S, Thomas A. Melatonin: A New Dawn In Dentistry. Malanadu Dental Journal. 2019.8(3): 22-27.
  • Roy G, Vijayan A, Beenakumari. A Short Case report on lobular capillary hemangioma. Malanadu Dental Journal. 2020;9(1): 31-32.
  • RE Mathen, Padiyath S, Anuja S, Shajahan S, Roy G. Non-Syndromic Multiple Hyperdontia: Report of 4 Cases. Int J Oral Health Med Res 2017;4(4):36-39.
  • Anuja S, Vijayan A, Mathen R E, Shajahan S, Roy G. Calcifying Epithelial Odontogenic Cyst: An Uncommon Variant. International Journal Dental and Medical Sciences Research (IJDMSR). 2018; 2(8):48-52.
  • Brijesh S, Deepthi TR, Roy G, Joshy A, Vijayan A. Oral Cues associated with Coronavirus Disease 2019 Infection – A Systematic Review. Int J Sci Stud 2021;9(8):10-19.
  • Roy G, Vijayan A, Beena Kumari TP, Philip S, Padiyath S, Thomas A. Virgin Coconut Oil in The Treatment of Minor Recurrent Aphthous Ulcer in Central Kerala Population- A Pilot Study. 2022; 5(2):433 – 437.

Observance Of Important Days

  1. November 8 – International Radiology Day
  2. April 24 – Oral Medicine & Radiology Day

Flagship Pojects

  1. Say No to Oral Cancer Project
  2. Professional Enrichment Program for Interns (PEPI)

Faculty Achievements And Positions Held

  1. Dr.Divya Nair
  2. Co-editor- Journal of Odontological Research since 2021

Future Plans

  1. Incorporation of recent technologies that benefit for CBCT interpretation
  2. Complete Digitalization of the Radiology department
  3. Incorporation and installation of more advanced maxillofacial imaging modalities
  4. Collaborations with higher cancer research centers, diagnostic centers, etc…
  5. Oral screening and awareness campaigns focused on tribes.