Conservative Dentistry



To enhance clinical\skills for the learners and provide quality treatment for patient


  • Aesthetic clinic
  • Comprehensive clinic
  • Interdisciplinary clinic with the department of Periodontia on hard and soft tissue laser treatment


Dr. Dinesh Kamath .G
HOD, Professor
Dr. Ajay P Joseph
Dr. Gis George
Dr. Blesy Koshy Varughese
Sr. Lecturer
Dr. Varsha Sam
Sr. Lecturer
Dr. Anju Saji
Sr. Lecturer
Dr. Absana Muthu U.P
Dr. Afnan Rahim


  • To provide learners with ample assistance in understanding the theoretical and clinical aspects of conservative dentistry
  • To provide a basic knowledge about endodontic topics.
  • To start a separate clinical area for enhancing skills in esthetic dentistry.
  • To conduct various CDE programs to enlighten learners about advances in the field of conservative dentistry and endodontics
  • To encourage research activities in the field of conservative dentistry and endodontics
  • To publish 5 research papers in indexed journals per year.
  • To improve the patient management systems
  • To efficiently treat and manage patients who need an interdisciplinary approach to treatment
  • To document case reports of special cases of academic interest done in the department.


  • To establish a Microscope enhanced endodontic workshop to teach and train learners on advancements in the field of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics
  • To establish an ESTHETIC clinic
  • To establish a postgraduate training center

By Faculty

Scientific Publications

  • Kamath D, Paul J, Joseph A, Varghese J. Magnification in Endodontics. J Odontol Res 2015;3(1) 31-35.
  • Paul J, Gopalkrishnan M, Kamath D, Joseph R. Herbal root canal irrigants: A review. J Odontol Res. 2015;3(01):9-14.
  • Joseph R, Kamath D, James R, Gopalakrishnan M. Bleaching, the biologic aspects-a review. J Odentol Res 2013;(1)76-82.
  • Joseph A, Kamath D, Mathew VM, George G. Bioceramics in endodontics : A Review. J Odontol Research 2018, 6(2) 11-14.
  • Kamath D, Jaleela K P. Bio dentine:  a review article on its chemical characteristics and clinical application. J Odontol Res 2019;7(1)10-5.
  • Kamath D, Viswanadhan A, Joseph A, George J. Endodontic management of radix entomolaris:two case reports. J Odontol Res 2020 ;8(1)38-42.
  • Kamath D, Palose P S, Joseph A, George G, Viswanadhan A. One step apexification of an immature tooth using MTA ; case report. J Odontol Res 2020;(8) 23-6.

Kumar A, Nambiar SM, Joseph A. Functional and Aesthetic Rehabilitation for a Patient with Multiple Impacted Teeth, Not Associated With Any Syndromes. International Journal of Contemporary Dentistry. 2014 Apr 17;4(2).

Kuriakose MC, Das AN, Joseph AP, Ashik M, Irfan M. Aesthetic rehabilitation of complicated crown fracture with fibre post built up and all ceramic restoration”-A case report. Journal of Conservative Dentistry and Endodntic Society of Kerala. 2014; 4(1)

Nair RK, Geetha P, Ashik M, Pillai SK, Joseph AP. Aesthetic management of a nonvital tooth with severe tissue destruction. International Journal of Contemporary Dentistry. 2014;5(1).

Kamath D, Paul J, Joseph A, Varghese J. Magnification in endodontics.J Odontol Res 2015;3(1) 31-35

Joseph AP, Kamath D, Manakunnathu VM, George G. Bioceramics in endodontics : A Review. J Odontol Research 2018, 6(2) 11-4.

Paul J, Gopalakrishnan M, Kamath d, Joseph A. Tooth bleaching a critical review. J Odontol Res 2016;4(1)8-15

Sabu N, Thomas NA, Thimmaiah C, Joseph AP, Jobe J, Palose PS. Comparative Evaluation of Chlorhexidine and Cetrimide as Irrigants in Necrotic Primary Teeth: An: In vivo: Study. Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences. 2022 Jul 1;14(Suppl 1):S626-30.

Kamath D, Palose PS, Joseph A, George G, Viswanadhan A. One step apexification of an immature tooth using MTA ; case report. J Odontol Res 2020;(8) 23-6.

  • Tippashetty PM, Boregowda V, Pai VS, Mathew SP, George G, Nadig RR. Management of Dens Invagenatus (DI) in a Young Permanent Tooth. Arch of Dent and Med Res 2016;2(3):102-107.
  • George G, Rejitha, K., Vedavathi, B, Ranjini M A, Neeharika G. Management of cracked teeth. International Journal of Current Research.2017; 9 (6): 51899-902.
  • George G, Ranjini MA, Pai VS, Darsan J, Nadig RR. Evaluation of dentinal tubule occlusion using a desensitizing toothpaste and mouthwash for a period of 60 days: Scanning electron microscopy analysis. Journal of Interdisciplinary Dentistry. 2018;8(3):96.
  • Joseph AP, Kamath D, Mathew V M, George G. Bioceramics in endodontics : A Review. J Odontol Research 2018: 6(2) 11-4.
  • Jyotsnanjali T, Ranjini MA, Kumar GK, Joshi SN, George G, Nadig RR. Determination of effective concentration of chitosan gel as an intracanal lubricant on smear layer removal: A scanning electron microscope study. 2019 Jul 1;31(2):144-.8
  • George G, Ranjini MA, Swapna DV, et al. Evaluation of dentinal crack formation by ProTaper Next, HyFlex CM and Wave One reciprocating file systems at the apical and middle third of root in mandibular molars – an in vitro Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) analysis. J Evolution Med Dent Sci 2021;10(32):2597-2601.
  • Cheriyan MR, Paul S, Vandana VS, Pillai R, George G, Chandran T.Synergistic effect of resveratrol and cpp- acp on remineralization of demineralized dentin – an invitro study  Indian Journal of Natural Sciences. 2021; 12(69): 36988-36992.
  • James JM, George G, Cherian MR, Rasheed N. Third hand smoke composition and consequences: A narrative review. Public Health Toxicology. 2022 Aug 1;2(3):1-6.
  • George G, James MJ, Shahna N, Rasheed N Noise pollution – An under diagnosed potential occupational hazard in dentistry. J Odontol Res 2022;10(2)10-4.
  • Kamath D, Palose PS, Joseph A, George G, Viswanadhan A. One step apexification of an immature tooth using MTA ; case report. J odontol res 2020;(8) 23-6
  • Manakunnath VM, Joseph R Kamath D, Joseph A. Apexification using mineral trioxide aggregate. J Odontol Res 2016;4(1)24-6.
  • Joseph AP, Kamath D, Manakunnathu VM, George G. Bioceramics in endodontics : A Review. J Odontol Research 2018, 6(2) 11-4.

Chakravarthy Y, Arun S, Paulose PS. An in vitro study on the antimicrobial effect of pachymic acid on E. faecalis and Candida albicans when added to resin based root canal sealers. International Journal of Phytopharmacology. 2019: 10(3): 67-74.

Kamath D, Palose PS, Joseph A, George G, Viswanadhan A. One step apexification of an immature tooth using MTA ; case report. J Odontol Res 2020;(8) 23-6.

Sabu N, Thomas NA, Thimmaiah C, Joseph AP, Jobe J, Palose PS. Comparative Evaluation of Chlorhexidine and Cetrimide as Irrigants in Necrotic Primary Teeth: An In vivo Study. Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences. 2022 Jul 1;14(Suppl 1):S626-30.

  • Oommen SR,Thomas M, Baby A, Mathew J,Vivek R V, George L. Additive manufacturing :growing its grasp in digital dentistry. Part 1-Review article. Malanadu Dental Journal. 2020; 9(1): 44-51.
  • Oommen SR,Thomas M, Baby A, Mathew J,Vivek R V, George L. Additive manufacturing :growing its grasp in digital dentistry.Part 2 .Technologies used in additive manufacturing -Review article. Malanadu Dental Journal. 2020; 9(2): 67-72.
  • Thomas M, Mathew j, George L, Vineet R, John D, Joy A. Non surgical management of furcal perforation with minimal trioxide aggregate using advanced platelet rich fibrin as internal matrix.a case report. Kerala Dental Journal. 2021: 44(2): 80-4.
  • Thomas M, George L, Mathew J, Mathew DG, Thomas P. Comparative evaluation of genotoxicity and cytotoxicity of flowable, bulk-fill flowable, and nanohybrid composites in human gingival cells using cytome assay: An in vivo study. Journal of Conservative Dentistry. 2023 Mar 1;26(2):182.
  • Varughese BK, Annapoorna K, Geeta IB, Ganessin A. In-vitro evaluation of intermediate irrigants for removal of para-chloroaniline from the tooth during root canal treatment. RGUHS Journal of Dental Sciences. 2020;12(2)
  • Varughese BK, Annapoorna K, Geeta IB, Ganessin A. In-vitro evaluation of intermediate irrigants for removal of para-chloroaniline from the tooth during root canal treatment. RGUHS Journal of Dental Sciences. 2020;12(2).
  • Blesy K Varghese, Annapoorna K, Geeta I B. Diagnostic Aids in Endodontics: Lambert Academic Publishing. (ISBN No: 6203193852 published on 30th November 2020)

Observance Of Important Days

  1. National Cons Endo Day – March 5

Flagship Pojects

  1. CDE program on Schilderean Canals With Gold Files Followed By Hands-On Course On Rotary Endodontics
  2. CDE program on Modern Concepts In Access Cavity Preparation by Dr Anitha Viswanathan
  3. CDE programe on Endosonics by Dr Pauline Susan

Faculty Achievements And Positions Held

Dr. Ajay P Joseph

  • Guided ICMR STS Project (ICMR STS 2022)

Dr. Pauline Susan Palose

  • Gold Medalist in Conservative Dentistry And Endodontics (VMRF-Deemed To Be University 2020)

Dr. Maria Thomas

  • Entitled with best case report published in KDJ 2021 for scientific article-Non Surgical Management of Furcal Perforation with MTA Using Advanced Platelet Rich Fibrin as Internal Matrix(2021)
  • Received Outstanding Clinical Performance Award during BDS course (2012-2018)

Dr. Blessy Koshy

  • Entitled with Best Outgoing Award (2017) and 9th rank in Pedodontics (RGUHS 2016) and 13th rank in General Surgery (RGUHS 2016)

Future Plans

  1. To conduct a CDE program every year
  2. Training undergraduate students in elective courses according to new DCI regulations on laser dentistry and rotary endodontics
  3. To encourage scientific research projects by the students
  4. To acquire and incorporate new materials and equipment in the department so as to expose students to their usage
  5. To spread awareness among the general public about the importance of saving a decayed tooth with root canal treatment
  6. To make the department a center for post-graduate training