


  1. The Logo signifies in essence in addition to oral health depicted by the tooth, the overall physical, emotional and mental health of the child is given priority signified by the child in the logo
  2. To evolve the department into a  Centre for excellence in providing high standards of Pediatric oral and maxillofacial health care.


  • A special clinic functions in the department fully equipped with department fully equipped with all materials including conscious sedation for the management of differently abled children and uncooperative children.
  • Comprehensive clinic


Dr. R.Rajesh
HOD, Professor
Dr. Haripriya Krishnakumar
Sr. Lecturer
Dr. Nezy Susan Varghese
Sr. Lecturer
Dr. Darsana Krishnan
Sr. Lecturer


  • To adopt schools to identify high-risk caries children and to strive for zero cavities in them
  • To identify fluoride deficient areas near the college vicinity and deliver preventive measures
  • To provide comprehensive treatment for children with special health care needs
  • To raise the attitude of students towards research and publications


  • To develop the department of Pediatric dentistry into a into a Postgraduate centre for excellence

By Faculty

Scientific Publications

  • ‘Generalized early onset Periodontitis: A case report.’ Journal of Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, 2000; 18 (2): 67-70.
  • Rajesh P, Rajesh R, Narayanan V, Baig MF, Prabhu VR, Venkatesan A. A clinical profile to assess the potential risk factors for cleft lip and palate. Journal of the Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry. 2000 Dec 1;18(4):147-50.
  • Rathnaprabhu V, Rajesh R, Sunitha M. Intraoral actinomycotic lesion: a case report. Journal of the Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry. 2003 Dec 1;21(4):144-6.
  • ‘Oral hygiene materials and methods of the rural Indian population.’ Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology, 2000; 3 (3): 110-112.
  • Joshi N, Rajesh R, Sunitha M. Prevalence of dental caries among school children in Kulasekharam village: a correlated prevalence survey. J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent. 2005 Sep;23(3):138-40. doi: 10.4103/0970-4388.16887.
  • Kannan SK, Rajesh R. Congenital epulis-congenital granular cell lesion: A case report. Journal of Indian society of pedodontics and preventive dentistry. 2006 Apr 1;24(2):104-6
  • Sunitha M, Rajesh R. Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Journal of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine and Radiology, 2011; 23 (Suppl 1): S454-S457.
  • Sunitha M, Rajesh R. Acute disseminated Langerhans cell disease–a rare case report. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences. 2013 Jan 14;2(2):175-81.
  • R Ramankutty, Sabu N, Thomas NA, Niveditha. Pyogenic granuloma- secondary to habit? A Case Study. International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, 2018; 5 (3): 748-750.
  • Rajesh R, Sabu N, Thomas NAOrthopaedic correction  of skeletal class 3 in an 8 year old with petit face mask and palatal expansion-A case report. J of Odontological Research 2019;(1):30-4.
  • Manikantan S, Ramankutty R. Plexiform Unicystic Ameloblastoma in a 12-Year-Old Child–An Unusual Case Report. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences. 2019 Sep 2;8(35):2775-8.
  • Mathew S, Rajesh R, Sunitha S. Evaluation of oral health and dental caries status among haemophilic children in Trivandrum. International journal of Medical Science and Dental Research; 2020;(3) : 1-6.
  • Raj AS, Thomas NA, Rajesh R, Sabu N, Jobe J. Dental applications of Liquorice: A medicine of yore. J of Odontological Research 2020;8(2):5-10.
  • N A Thomas, R. Rajesh, Sabu N, Jobe J. Strategies for optimizing interim infection prevention in pediatric dental practice during the COVID-19 response. J Odontol Res 2021;9(1)11-17.
  • Thilakan A, Sabu N, Rajesh R, K C Vidya, Nithya Annie Thomas, Justin Jobe. Antimicrobial activity of 0.05 N and 0.1N silver nitrate mouthwash against S mutans and C Albicans an invitro study. Journal of International oral health 2022;14:101-5


  • Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura: A review- by Dr. Sunitha.M & Dr.R.Rajesh. Lambert Academic Publishing, December 26, 2012.
  • Epidermolysis Bullosa; A Rare Case Report; Recent Case Reports in Dentistry. Chapter-6 ( Volume-1),2021, Weser Books, Germany, 72-82
  • Rao D G, Sabu N, Jayanna R, Nagar P. Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in Children. J Indian Acad Oral Med Radiol 2013;25(3):178-83
  • Sabu N, Viswanath D, Dodwad R. Tooth paste for children – a review.International Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Drug Research 2014;4(2):67-71
  • Viswanath D, Sabu N. Prevalence of dental caries, the effect of sugar intake and tooth brushing practices in children aged 5-11 years in Bangalore North. SRM J Res Dent Sci 2014;5:155-62
  • Sabu N, B V Soumya . Primary molar with extra root canal -a case report.J Odontol Res 2015;3(2)25-7.
  • R Ramankutty, Sabu N, Thomas N A, Niveditha. Pyogenic granuloma- secondary to habit? A casestudy. 2018;5(3):748-54
  • Rajesh, Sabu N, Thomas N A. Orthopedic Correction of Skeletal Class III in an 8-Year-Old with Petit Face Mask and Palatal Expansion – A Case Report. J Odontol Res 2019;7(1)30-4
  • A S. Raj, N AThomas, R. Rajesh, Sabu N, Jobe J. Dental applications of Liquorice: A medicine Ofyore. J Odontol Res 2020;8(2)5-10
  • N A Thomas, R. Rajesh, Sabu N, Jobe J. Strategies for Optimizing Interim Infection Prevention in Pediatric Dental Practice During TheCOVID-19 Response. J Odontol Res 2021;9(1)11-17.
  • Thomas N A , Shetty P, Thimmaiah C, Shetty S B, N Sabu, Bekal K Comparative evaluation of the remineralization potential of Theobromine and Fluoride containing dentifrices using Scanning Electron Microscopy with Energy Dispersive X-Ray Analysis: An in-vitro Study. Journal of International Dental and Medical Research. Remineralization 2021;14(4):1314-20
  • Thomas N A, Thimmaiah C, Sabu N, Bekal K, Abraham I A. Theobromine :the next frontier in remineralisation of dental caries. Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2021;32(3):36467-78
  • Thilakan A, Sabu N, Rajesh R, K C Vidya, Nithya Annie Thomas, Justin Jobe Antimicrobial activity of 0.05 N and 0.1N silver nitrate mouthwash against S mutans and C Albicans an invitro study.Journal of International oral health 2022;14:101-5
  • Sabu N, Thomas NA, Thimmaiah C, Joseph AP, Jobe J, Palose PS. Comparative evaluation of chlorhexidine and cetrimide as irrigants in necrotic primary teeth: An In vivo study. J Pharm Bioall Sci 2022;14:S626-30.


  • Nimmi Sabu, Nithya Thomas. Conscious Sedation.(ISBN no:  978-620-5-51707-9, published on 24th November 2022)
  • A S. Raj, N AThomas, R. Rajesh, Sabu N, Jobe J. Dental applications of Liquorice: A medicine of yore. J Odontol Res 2020;8(2)5-10
  • N A Thomas, R. Rajesh, Sabu N, Jobe J. Strategies for Optimizing Interim Infection Prevention in Pediatric Dental Practice During The COVID-19 Response. J Odontol Res 2021;9(1)11-17. 2021
  • Thilakan A, Sabu N, Rajesh R, K C Vidya, Nithya Annie Thomas, Justin Jobe Antimicrobial activity of 0.05 N and 0.1N silver nitrate mouthwash against S mutans and C Albicans an invitro study.Journal of International oral health 2022;14:101-5
  • Sabu N, Thomas NA, Thimmaiah C, Joseph AP, Jobe J, Palose PS. Comparative evaluation of chlorhexidine and cetrimide as irrigants in necrotic primary teeth: An In vivo study. J Pharm Bioall Sci 2022;14:S626-30.
  • Krishnan D, Abraham K K, Khosla E, James A R, Thenumkal E .Comparative evaluation of structural changes in enamel induced by 37% phosphoric acid before and after enamel deproteinization with 5.25 % sodium hypochlorite – An SEM study. International Journal of Dental Science and Innovative Research 2021;4:6:314-24.
  • Krishnan D, Abraham K K, Khosla E, James A R, Thenumkal E .Comparative evaluation of structural changes in acid etched primary enamel pretreated by 5.25 % sodium hypochlorite gel and solution – An SEM study. International Journal of Current Research.2020;12:03:10541-545.


  • Dr Darsana Krishnan. Secrets of caries excavation –treatment of deep caries (ISBN no: 978-620-5-49659-6, published on 30th August 2022)

Observance Of Important Days

  1. Children’s Day Celebration St Thomas Orphanage, Perumbavoor Treatment camp and Children’s Day Celebration 14/11/2021 7
  2. World Disability day Treatment for disabled 04/12/21
  3. Down’s Syndrome Day Santwanam Special School Kothamangalam Treatment camp 21/03/2022 ,
  4. Special Smiles National Health Fest for Divyangjan- We Care Screening Camp 07/04/2022
  5. World day against child labour Poster competition for students Mime 12/06/2022
  6. International girl Child Day Poster competition Musical Drama 11/10/22
  7. Children’s day P Celebration – Kido Week 2022 Painting competition for little champs Most cooperative preschooler award F 07/11/22 to 15/11/22
  8. Down’s Syndrome Day CSI Karunalayam school Treatment camp 16/03/2023 for Special Children

Flagship Projects

  1. ‘Zero Cavity School Program’ at Muttathupara LP School, Kottappady Muttathupara LP School Kottappady was adopted as a part of implementing school oral health care. The program commenced on 14th July 2019. On the basis of screening camps conducted, those requiring oral care were identified. All the necessary dental treatments were provided to the children and the school was declared ‘Zero Cavity School’ on 1st of March 2023.
  2. Various dental outreach camps organised.
  3. Almost all major days linked to children observed

Faculty Achievements And Position

Dr.R Rajesh (professor and head)

  1. Was awarded the diploma of membership of the Faculty of Dental Surgery (MFDS RCPS) from University of Glasgow
  2. Provisionally approved PhD guide by KUHS 26/11/22

Resource Person

  1. Conducted a lecture and hands-on course on ‘An introduction to segmental fixed orthodontic therapy in the mixed dentition’
    Venue: College of Dental Surgery, Mangalore. 10 December 2012
  2. Conducted a lecture and hands-on course on Fixed Orthodontics as part of the Continuing Dental Education Program.
    Venue: PMS College of Dental Sciences, Trivandrum. 22 & 23 July 2018
  3. Conducted a course on Fixed Orthodontics as part of the Continuing Dental Education Program.
    Venue: MAHE Institute of Dental Sciences& Hospital. 30 November 201

Future Plans

  1. To make the department a center of postgraduate excellence
  2. To adopt more schools and make it caries free
  3. To encourage students to take up research activities



  1. ICMR project awarded to Ms Arya Thilakan (Anti microbial activity of 0.05N and 0.1N Silver nitrate mouthwash against S.Mutans and C. Albicans-An in-vitro study) Guide: Dr. Nimmy Sabu( 2019)


  1. Clinical evaluation of eruption timings